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Tikipedia: modify Menu items, etc. in left hand column

posts: 6

Can you point me to the template page that controls the listing of the items in the Menu list in the left hand column? Can the items be arranged in a different order or can some be eliminated?

Also, I'd like to get rid of the "Tiki CMS/Groupware/Date" right under the logo. What can I edit to do that?



posts: 6
Also, I'd like to get rid of the "Tiki CMS/Groupware/Date" right under the logo. What can I edit to do that?

Replying to my own post with an urgent request: I tried modifying the file /templates/styles/tikipedia/tiki-top_bar.tpl by commenting out the display of the TikiCMS line. Now when I view the wiki in IE7 all I can see is the logo and the "Logged in as.." and "MyTiki". Nothing else. When I click on MyTiki the left hand bar is now viewable. Back to home page shows nothing. Interestingly everything is OK in Firefox.

I replaced the file with the original but nothing changes. Help!!!


posts: 254 Japan
Also, I'd like to get rid of the "Tiki CMS/Groupware/Date" right under the logo. What can I edit to do that?

Replying to my own post with an urgent request: I tried modifying the file /templates/styles/tikipedia/tiki-top_bar.tpl by commenting out the display of the TikiCMS line. Now when I view the wiki in IE7 all I can see is the logo and the "Logged in as.." and "MyTiki". Nothing else. When I click on MyTiki the left hand bar is now viewable. Back to home page shows nothing. Interestingly everything is OK in Firefox.

I replaced the file with the original but nothing changes. Help!!!


Did you clear the caches? Also try clearing IE7's cache (I assume that's possible; it's easy on other browsers but I haven't tried in IE7 yet). If the original tiki-top_bar.tpl is back in place, the pages should display normally. (Of course it's often a long way between should and do....)

About editing that file, there's no reason why just deleting the TikiCMS line should cause a structural change in the pages — it's just a link. After clearing caches, is there still a problem? If so, if you don't mind giving the URL, that might help with finding the cause of the problem.

-- Gary

posts: 254 Japan
Can you point me to the template page that controls the listing of the items in the Menu list in the left hand column? Can the items be arranged in a different order or can some be eliminated?

If you mean the "tools" box, the file is templates/styles/tikipedia/mod-toolbox.tpl.

-- Gary

posts: 6

Can you point me to the template page that controls the listing of the items in the Menu list in the left hand column? Can the items be arranged in a different order or can some be eliminated?

Also, I'd like to get rid of the "Tiki CMS/Groupware/Date" right under the logo. What can I edit to do that?



I finally uzipped the latest version of Tikipedia and uploaded those templates to teh server and now everything is working fine. I must have screwed something up, even though the bit counts were all correct on all of the templates.
