Mittwoch theme released
Gary Cunningham-Lee - Wed 24 of Oct, 2007 14:27 GMT-0000 - (14362 Reads)The Mittwoch theme, which has been in use at for awhile, is now ready for downloading. Mittwoch was originally a GPLed design by Alexander Hanke for Joomla. The Tiki version of the theme has color- and fontsize-changing buttons for visual options.
This theme uses Luci's *litecss layout method so has no page layout tables. Additionally, in place of the standard module templates, there are table-free templates for side boxes whose titles are h3 headers and have ordered or unordered lists for list-type content.
The files can be downloaded from the Mittwoch file gallery. This theme is a bit more complex than normal, so please report any problems in the forums here.