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Toolbox + Login Modules

posts: 4 United States

Toolbox Icons or Module

Do you mean up where the log-in link is, and when you say "be the icons" do you mean use the icon images rather than text links?
Well, it's possible, but would take some reworking of the templates, and would be hard to explain without getting into the specifics.

Hi Gary,
Yes that is what I meant.
I think there is validity to the separation of content navigation from functions or actions upon that content.
I see printing, watching and similar actions as related to the CURRENT page, so I prefer to see them on the page content (like TOC, etc.)
Whereas structure navigation, menus, etc. are fine as text on the left.
Tikineat theme does this quite well. (attached gif)
I guess it's a template change, not a module show/hide, so I don't want to rock your mediawiki view of the world too much, I just like this from a usability standpoint.

Login Module
The login module I have sort of the opposite problem.
I cannot for the life of me get the login to show up as a MODULE on the left top.
I have it turned on, not cached and set to position 1 or 0, assign to anonymous and registered and it just won't show up for me, whereas it does show up just fine in other styles.

I'm not fond of more than one click to log in. Right now user has to find the very small text login at top right, page loads, then they can log in.
In other styles you can just have that module appear left/right and it's an immediate login from the home page if it's assigned to anyoymous.

Am I missing something

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