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Tiki Design

Tiki Design

Re: Shadow Layer Example, and Theme Layout Schema

posts: 2 United States

There is now a basic Shadow Layer Tutorial at Tiki's Documentation site. I'm sure there
are more advanced ways of using the shadow layers, but the tutorial should suffice as a start.


Kent Barrett wrote:

Good morning fellow Tikists,

Can someone point me to an example of a complete Tiki 5 Shadow Layer page? I have found the lovely Shadow Layer admin tab and see Main shadow start: Main shadow end: Header shadow start:, etc. but don't know how to use them.

Also is there an updated view of the Theme Layout Schema? I see the page


noticed the table-less layout diagram at the bottom of the page but don't know if that's current or applies to all themes or what. Also it's a little mysterious and opaque to me, does anyone have a fuller description of any kind?



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