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History: Theme-making Questions and Answers

Source of version: 1

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            This page is for discussing how to make a Tiki theme. Please edit the page to ask a question, and someone will edit it again to answer.

!! Sample question: How do I ask a question here?
Answer: First, register as a user at [https://tiki.org] if you haven't already. Then come back to this site (themes.tiki.org) and log in. Navigate to this page and click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the page. When the edit screen appears, input your question. I suggest leaving a black line and then starting the next line with two exclamation points (!!) to make the question an H2 heading. The answer can be normal text under the new heading/question.   


Information Version
Tue 21 of Feb, 2017 09:07 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Fixed typo. 2
Tue 21 of Feb, 2017 08:55 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Page created. 1