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History: Shared_t_o_footer

Source of version: 18

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            {HTML(wiki="1")}<style>.twfooter .card {border: none; background: transparent; } .twfooter h4 { font-size: 1.2rem; margin-bottom: 0; } .twfooter ul { list-style:none; padding-left: 0; } .twfooter .icon-link-external, .twfooter .icon-link {display: none; }</style><div class="twfooter"><div class="row"><div class="col-sm-2"><div class="card">
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Information Version
Mon 31 of Oct, 2022 21:20 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Copy data from https://tiki.org/Shared_t_o_footer 19
Mon 31 of Oct, 2022 20:54 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Copying from https://tiki.org/Shared_t_o_footer 18
Mon 31 of Oct, 2022 20:20 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Flickr not used by our community 17
Mon 31 of Oct, 2022 20:11 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte No more IRC 16
Wed 21 of Jul, 2021 13:47 GMT-0000 Fabio Montefuscolo 15
Wed 21 of Jul, 2021 13:46 GMT-0000 Fabio Montefuscolo 14
Tue 11 of Aug, 2020 18:03 GMT-0000 Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties fixed link for smarties 13
Tue 24 of Sep, 2019 11:43 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ use rawlinks class to hide the sister sites colored dots 12
Tue 24 of Sep, 2019 11:38 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ auto-toc off 11
Tue 24 of Sep, 2019 11:28 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ discontinued (thanks fatiki) 10
Mon 03 of Dec, 2018 13:47 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Fixed links and updated layout details - goal is identical content at all sites. 9
Thu 09 of Aug, 2018 05:46 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated links (removed "info."), http -> https, etc. 8
Mon 23 of Apr, 2018 16:45 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ Page renamed from Shared_footer_content to Shared_t_o_footer. Semantic alias redirect created 7
Mon 23 of Apr, 2018 16:36 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ dead link removed 6
Fri 05 of Sep, 2014 02:38 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 5
Fri 05 of Sep, 2014 02:32 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 4
Fri 05 of Sep, 2014 02:08 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Containing div renamed to prevent application of custom code rules. Todo: remove custom code. 3
Fri 05 of Sep, 2014 02:05 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Class panel changed to box to avoid white background color. Todo: change the #footer .panel bg color. 2
Fri 05 of Sep, 2014 01:58 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Page created. This is the HTML version of the shared footer code updated to use Bootstrap grid layout. 1