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History: Icons

Source of version: 5

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            {TABS(name="versions" tabs="PreTiki14|Tiki14" toggle="y" inside_pretty="n")}
Since Tiki 2.0 different icon sets are used:

*small: 16x16 from the Famfamfam Silk set http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk
+[http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/previews/index_abc.png|overview of all the icons available]
*large: 48 x 48 from the Jini icon set - see [https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=1&page=Icons&download=y|attached file]

The icons are indexed png8.
You need to transform the Famfamfam icons to png8. For this, for instance use the Gimp and
*change image > mode > indexed, with floyd dithering but not on transparency, best palette
*save png8

Some pictures from the admin section have been taken from Wikipedia Commons - trunk/pics/large/profiles.png, trunk/pics/large/semantic.png, trunk/pics/large/webservices.png

Icons can be overriden per theme if you place same file name in the styles/ThemeName/img/icons/
{REMARKSBOX(type="tip" title="Tiki14 info" close="n")}
Icon management is currently being reworked for Tiki14. This page is continously updated until development design is finalized.

- Tiki uses icon sets
- The Look&Feel administration page provides UI to make icon settings with the below options:
--  general icon set for all themes: default font-awesome, glyphicons and legacy famfamfam icons
-- theme specific icon set: it is possible to define an icon set for each theme or option
- Icon sets can be customized following the logics of CSS and template customization, so it is possible to have an icon set for a theme and/or option by placing a custom.php file in the theme or theme option's "icons/" folder. In case an icon set is meant to be available for all themes, place a new icon set definition file in the "themes/base_files/iconsets/" folder. This new icon set will be available from the Look&Feel control panel ("theme_iconset" preference)
- currently there are two kind of icons that can be used: icon-fonts and image files (png)
- for image files the preTiki14 way of icon customization still works, so for example if you don't like the image used for editing (img/icons/page_edit.png) you can place another png file with the same name (page_edit.png) into your theme's "icons/" folder, and then that new icon will be displayed for that theme.  

Also see ((Icons SVG or Fonts)).
[https://dev.tiki.org/Icons|Development page]


Information Version
Mon 04 of Feb, 2019 21:44 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ remove obsolete remarksbox info 11
Mon 04 of Feb, 2019 21:39 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ Page renamed from Customizing Icons to Icons. Semantic alias redirect created 10
Sat 15 of Oct, 2016 05:18 GMT-0000 drsassafras grammer fix 9
Wed 08 of Jul, 2015 07:11 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor editing. 8
Wed 08 of Jul, 2015 06:50 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Removed tabset and tab with out of date information. 7
Tue 27 of Jan, 2015 16:01 GMT-0000 gezza 6
Tue 27 of Jan, 2015 15:56 GMT-0000 gezza starting icon documentation for Tiki14 5
Fri 09 of May, 2014 15:02 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ Wysiwyg sucks 4
Fri 09 of May, 2014 15:00 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ 3
Fri 09 of May, 2014 14:56 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ moved from http://dev.tiki.org/Icons 2
Fri 09 of May, 2014 14:51 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ 1