History: CSS Overview
Preview of version: 2
(from http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Styles and Themes - to be updated)
The presentation of elements, the visual style of your theme, is created using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). So, the next step in building a custom theme is to make a CSS file for it.
W3C provides tutorials and other tools for learning CSS principles: www.w3.org/Style/CSS
- Pick an existing CSS file from the styles directory. Please note that the CSS files are not in the templates directory tree. In a default Tiki installation, there are two directories named styles under the Tiki root:
- styles (for CSS files)
- templates/styles (for the custom-theme sub-directories, into which you put TPL files--as we just did above)
- Copy the CSS file, rename it to match your new theme name, and keep it in the styles directory with all the other CSS files. For example, we would call ours screensite.css.
- Edit it to produce a style for your theme--selecting things like fonts, background colors and the behavior of hypertext links.
- If you wish to add images to your CSS style, it's best to create a subdirectory for them beneath the styles directory--giving it your theme's name.
- For example, styles/screensite
We recommend the use of jalist.css as a basic theme that you can use to start your new theme. If you want to make a very detailed theme use subsilver.css as the model.
Since you can change the CSS file and you can override any template your themes can make your Tiki site look like anything you want. The only limit is your imagination.