History: Bootstrap Themes Transition
Preview of version: 22
This page documents Bootstrap classes transition targeted for Tiki 13 and onwards to help Tiki themers and designers.
1) download bootstrap files (http://getbootstrap.com/), copy bootstrap.css to your /styles folder
2) create a bootstrap folder in the /styles folder
3) copy to /styles/bootstrap the downloaded bootstrap.js file and rename it to custom.js
4) in the admin panel switch your theme to bootstrap
Bootstrap files
Location: vendor/bootstrap/
To include bootstrap in a tiki theme, create a theme css file (eg. tiki-bootstrap.css) in the following folder: styles/
In the created css file use the @import css function before any css setting as described below:
/*Import Bootstrap*/ @import url("../vendor/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css");
css selectors
use classes, don't use ids - Tiki uses id selectors only in some core areas (eg: to define main zones). Feature specific styling should not include id selectors.
[+] Discussion
Styling of external sources
External sources come with their own styling. How is this neutralized and turned into Tiki styling?
Vendor (external) source codes contain lots of own formatting. This causes problems when trying to achieve a unified look&feel. For example jquery-ui is nice, but has its own styling. Using bootstrap how will a jquery-ui dropdown will look the same as a dropdown anywhere else in Tiki? Or a button?
One way is to simply add the needed classes, stop and override the usage of external css. This might work for buttons, tables, hyperlinks, etc, but how about divs?
Overview of the main elements classes changes
How to approach and handle buttons when should an element be a button or a link
Tiki sometimes uses hyperlinks ( a> tag), sometimes input type submit, sometime buttons
How to unify? usage of navbar
Bootstrap has a navbar component (http://getbootstrap.com/components/#navbar) that could be used as a standard background for buttons. default classes for a Tiki button
A way could be to agree on a naming convention, assign type or class accordingly in tiki templates, than use the smarty function to add the bootstrap class for styling.
An approach could be for example according to functionality:
- Action buttons that result in a commit to the database -> tiki class/type name: "button-action". Use smarty to add btn-primary class for styling
- Cancel action buttons (eg: Cancel Edit) -> tiki class/type name="cancel-button". Use btn-default bootstrap class for styling
- Query buttons (list something, run a report, etc) -> tiki class/type name="button-query". Use btn-default bootstrap class for styling
- Navigation buttons (eg: jump to another screen/feature) -> tiki class/type name="button-navigation". Use btn-default bootstrap class for styling.
issue #1: Bootstrap offers button style and size options, which one to pick? See http://getbootstrap.com/css/#buttons
- btn-default seems ok for most buttons
- btn-primary requiers additional css sytling to have white color for links on buttons
issue #2: use span tag or add class directly in the element? how to customize
eg: I dont like that on the edit page the save button class is btn-primary, I want it to look like btn-warning, how do I do that without modifying php or tpl source files?
[-] lib/
[-] smarty_tiki/
[-] function.button.php
btn class added;
<span class="button" ...>
renders now in mobile mode as
<span class="btn button" ...>
<a class="btn" data-role="button" ...>
- issue #1: not all buttons are picked up for styling, for example the comment button on tiki-page_bar.tpl (it has span class="button")
- issue #2: in Tiki input types such as submit look like buttons, but they are not picked up by this function (eg: Create tracker button on tiki-list_trackers)
Overview of grid layout issues, etc.
These changes will be made in templates/layouts/bs_grid (or some name indicating Bootstrap grid compatibility. At issue is where to add class="row" container divs.
In parallel with this, presumably the idea of moving everything in the center column to modules will happen. This will simplify the template and give a lot of flexibility to page layout as well.
Overall page
This includes the top module zone, topbar module zone, side columns, center content (less div#role_main, which should be addressed separately), page bottom module zone (bottom of center column), and footer (bottom module zone).
Page center content (div#role_main)
gezza: The classes on layout-view.tpl are going to be simplified or we keep them? What is the plan for shadowlayers, fullscreen, fixedwith? Clearfix classes?
IMO (), we can have several layouts and the designer or site admin can choose which to use, or can add another. For example:
- Responsive_fivealive: This one enables replication of the current Fivealive style (has extra divs needed for full-width header and footer background graphics, but fixed-width content). Within each - header, middle, and footer - of course the areas are responsive.
- Responsive_middle: Simpler than the Fivealive layout, but has support for current Tiki layout of distinct header, middle and footer.
- Responsive_simple: Essentially one large container that depends on wiki code, etc. for layout as well as content.
- Other responsive variants
These templates/layouts/responsive_fivealive.tpl etc. layouts can be added or removed as we experiment with the possibilities.
In my opinion, there's no particular reason to keep old divs and div classes like the shadow divs in layouts other than Classic. If one goal of being Bootstrap compatible is to attract devs and designers who are familiar with Bootstrap, we should provide templates that are clean and familiar as much as possible, not cluttered. Also, Bootstrap provides for the "full-width" and "fixed-width" properties, so I don't think we need explicit divs/classes distinct from Bootstrap's.
To keep these layouts simple I guess the layout_view.tpl has to be clean of any functionality other than layout arrangement. If there is other functionality, logics inside, than it would become hard to maintain them as one would need to copy functionality changes all over the different layout_view.tpl files. So these need to be moved out to separate tpls?:
- share
- tell a friend
- error report
- full screen?
- social networks
- google analytics
- endbody code?
- js?
Any thoughts on changes affecting Tiki module zones? (Top, Topbar, Pagetop, Left, Right, Pagebottom, Bottom). If someone new comes, this might be confusing having also header, main, middle, footer etc.
Proposal #1 (not sure if possible to do, but seems simple to follow)
The current layout_view can be separated into 3 areas:
1) header: everything until the start of the body tag. Designers dont need to work with this and it remains unified in all layouts when code evolves.
2) body_layout: this is where the designers create the layout. It contains only the grid layout with the module zones. See starter sample below. This way basically all the desingers have to do is to create their favoured grid layout and place the module zones where they want. The only thing newcomers have to learn is that Tiki has some zones for content and they have to place them all into the grid.
3) footer: everything before the closing of the body tag that is not related to grid layout (JS file calling, endbody code, things from footer.tpl etc). Designers dont have to work with this, it remains unified in all layouts when the code evolves.
1) and 3) remains in one file and this file is considered as a system file. 2) goes into a separate file and gets called from the system file depending on the layout selection in theme administration.
Example: the current layout_view.tpl contains header, start of body, than an inclusion of body_layout.tpl (where the layout is defined by the designer), than footer stuff and close of body. Various body_layout.tpl files are shipped with Tiki. In case of a 2 main folder structure (see http://dev.tiki.org/File+and+directory+structure+revamp) the various body_layout templates shipped by Tiki are stored in system/templates/layouts/. If someone wants to create own, can do it in the local directory of local/themes/mytheme/ (or local/example.com/themes/mytheme in case of multitiki).