History: Bootstrap Themes Transition
Preview of version: 13
This page documents Bootstrap classes transition targeted for Tiki 13 and onwards to help Tiki themers and designers.
1) download bootstrap files (http://getbootstrap.com/), copy bootstrap.css to your /styles folder
2) create a bootstrap folder in the /styles folder
3) copy to /styles/bootstrap the downloaded boostrap.js file and rename it to custom.js
4) in the admin panel switch your theme to bootstrap
[+] CSS selectors (class vs id)
Overview of the main elements classes changes
How to approach and handle buttons when should an element be a button the default classes for a Tiki button
What are the default classes? how to manage externals (eg: jquery dialogs)
External sources come with their own styling. How is this neutralized and turned into Tiki styling? how to customize (write down how to do it)
eg: I dont like that the edit page save button class is btn-primary, I want it to look like btn-warning, how do I do that in my css file without modifying any other source files
[-] lib/
[-] smarty_tiki/
[-] function.button.php
btn class added;
<span class="button" ...>
renders now in mobile mode as
<span class="btn button" ...>
<a class="btn" data-role="button" ...>
Overview of grid layout issues, etc.
These changes will be made in templates/layouts/bs_grid (or some name indicating Bootstrap grid compatibility. At issue is where to add class="row" container divs.
In parallel with this, presumably the idea of moving everything in the center column to modules will happen. This will simplify the template and give a lot of flexibility to page layout as well.
Overall page
This includes the top module zone, topbar module zone, side columns, center content (less div#role_main, which should be addressed separately), page bottom module zone (bottom of center column), and footer (bottom module zone).